The Last-Hurrah Malibu Public Beaches Safaris
Sat. Feb. 27 — 11am, 1pm, and 3pm
We’re wrapping up our 3-year Malibu project, and to celebrate our public beaches one last time, we’re offering 3 (three!) 1 1/2-hour free mini-safaris. No sign-up required. All welcome!
What: Are you tired of Zuma and Surfrider? Want to find and use the the 20 miles of public beaches that are lined with private development? Our safaris will equip you with the advanced skills necessary to find and use the Malibu public beaches legally and safely. Activities include signwatching, trailblazing the public-private boundary, and a public easement potluck.
When: Choose 1 of the 3 start times. Please do not plan to join mid-safari.
Where: Come to the public beach accessway between 22140-22126 Pacific Coast Highway (~.5 mis west of Carbon Canyon Rd. and ~1 mi. east of Malibu pier). Park on either side of the PCH (cross with caution), and walk through the accessway to the beach. (Or take the 534 PCH bus!–nearest stop is Carbon Canyon Rd.– www.metro.net.)
Rangers should arrive (look for the uniform) at the base of the accessway at least 15 minutes in advance of each start time. If you arrive early, you can walk on the wet sand anywhere, and on the dry sand (at least 10 ft. from the houses) on the FIRST 4 PROPERTIES TO THE LEFT (downcoast).  Please do not use the dry sand upcoast or elsewhere.
Bring: Snack, water if you need it, sun protection, and extra layer or two (important!) for warmth.
Rain: If it’s raining, the safaris have been canceled. We’ll reschedule in the spring.
Please note: No bathroom available at meeting point–Try the fast-food restaurants just upcoast on the PCH. Dogs, sadly, are not allowed on the beaches.
Hope to see you at the beach!
Los Angeles Urban Rangers
A downloadable “Malibu Public Beaches” guide is available on our website.