September 2020 Launch

Ecostage supports creative practitioners journeying toward an ecological, interconnected approach to working that recognises their place within the whole ecosystem in order to inspire a radical and ethical repositioning of their work.
Formerly Ecostage Pledge, Ecostage is a grassroots, autonomous online platform to help all arts practitioners towards a more ecologically-centred approach in performance making. It is being re-envisioned by a group of ecologically-minded designers, to adapt to the current more pressing issues. Our new site re-launches September 2020 following our crowdfunding.
Ecostage is for anyone in the performing arts sector at any stage of their sustainable journey; it connects freelancers and organisations. It answers the need for shared principles and joint objectives, and to move forward as a unified front to address systemic issues tied up with our joint future including social and climate justice. It appeals to all sizes of companies and types of production needs, and to all stages of career.
Ecological thinking is crucial in considering how to find a sustained approach to how we live in the context of a changing climate: socially, politically and economically.
Informative, practical and inspiring, Ecostage contains:
- A list of intersecting principles to be downloaded and used as sustainable production guidelines.
- An inter-connective approach that includes the whole ecosystem, humans and the more than human world
- An online pledge with a downloadable logo making your eco-credentials visible when used on documentation.
- Resources, including an expanding library of inspiring case studies celebrating diverse practices from around the world showing ‘ecoscenography in action’.
- A growing online global supportive community of practitioners.
Join our global community and pledge your public commitment to a sustainable future.
“You cannot get through a single day without having an impact on the world around you. What you do makes a difference, and you have to decide what kind of difference you want to make.†Jane Goodall – primatologist and anthropologist
“If you do not appreciate the small steps you support the status quo.†Jean-Claude Audergon – psychotherapist.
Ecostage crowdfunding:Â We are an eco-designer led, not-for-profit initiative who are volunteering our skills, time and passion as self-employed to get this off the ground. As such, we have launched a crowdfunding drive to invest in the expertise of a professional web developer to create a free, accessible, user-friendly and sustainably-hosted website that remains relevant and responsive to updates in the digital world.
‘Support Ecostage: the go-to site for unified ecological guidelines, with resources for a flourishing, fair, creative future in performance.’
Ecostage online:
Twitter: @ecostage1
Instagram: @eco.stageÂ
Ecostage relaunch team:Â
Paul Burgess, Andrea Carr, Mona Kastell, Ruth Stringer, Hannah Myers, Michaela Fields
If you have any queries or questions, please contact with the subject: ‘Ecostage press release’