This post comes from Creative Carbon Scotland
The World Cities Culture Forum has just launched its new ‘Culture and Climate Change Handbook for City Leaders’, citing the Green Arts Initiative as one of the key examples of how the cultural sector is becoming more ‘green’.
Case studies included in the handbook cover issues of reducing the environmental impact of the cultural sector, engaging the public in sustainability, and how the arts are playing a role in sustainable regeneration initiatives the world over! Alongside the Green Arts Initiative (as an example of how Edinburgh and Scotland have approached the challenge of climate change in this sector), the handbook also features:
- how New York has re-purposed waste materials as artistic supplies.
- how Amsterdam has developed its Cultural Venue Sustainability Action Plan
- how Montreal has rehabilitated a formal landfill site into a cultural attraction.
The handbook is designed for civic leaders and cultural organisations, demonstrating the potential of the cultural sector to contribute to city-level sustainability. The Word Cities and Cultural Forum says:
Cities are on the front line of climate change. They generate over 80% of global GDP and more than 70% of greenhouse gas emissions. Urban areas are already home to over half of the world’s population, projected to rise to two thirds by 2050. Rapid population growth, along with extreme weather events and sea level rise are putting increasing strain on city infrastructures.
City policymakers must act now. A recent report by C40 found that cities could deliver 40% of the carbon emission savings required to limit global temperature rise to the Paris Agreement target of 1.5°C. Existing action on climate change needs to be scaled up rapidly. Without immediate and committed action by cities, global temperatures will pass the point of no return.
Those interested in the creation and scaling of sustainability initiatives in the cultural sector will find the handbook particularly useful, as will those working within local authorities or government around cultural engagement with environmental sustainability!
Download the handbook, and find out more about other sustainability and cultural projects, here.
The post Green Arts Initiative Featured in Culture and Climate Change Handbook appeared first on Creative Carbon Scotland.
Creative Carbon Scotland is a partnership of arts organisations working to put culture at the heart of a sustainable Scotland. We believe cultural and creative organisations have a significant influencing power to help shape a sustainable Scotland for the 21st century.
In 2011 we worked with partners Festivals Edinburgh, the Federation of Scottish Threatre and Scottish Contemporary Art Network to support over thirty arts organisations to operate more sustainably.
We are now building on these achievements and working with over 70 cultural organisations across Scotland in various key areas including carbon management, behavioural change and advocacy for sustainable practice in the arts.
Our work with cultural organisations is the first step towards a wider change. Cultural organisations can influence public behaviour and attitudes about climate change through:
Changing their own behaviour;
Communicating with their audiences;
Engaging the public’s emotions, values and ideas.The Green Arts Initiative is our year-round community of practice for Scottish cultural organisaitons committed to reducing their environmental impact. Find out more (and join in!) here.Â