Praxis:Â Culture and Sustainability
Wednesday, 28 January 2015 from 10:30 to 17:30 (GMT)
Cambridge, United Kingdom
Bringing together thinkers, artists and innovators, this day of talks, performances and workshops will explore the new ways of working that are shaping a more sustainable future for the arts and culture.
The day aims to inspire debate and equip participants with new insights and practical actions, with spotlights on: working internationally, materials and suppliers, skills sharing economies, how ‘green’ digital technology really is, and presentations of new work from The Cambridge Junction in collaboration with Angharad Wynn Jones.
The day will be shaped by two themes:Â
The Artist is Not in The Room
Focusing on environmentally sustainable international working models, speakers will discuss touring exhibitions by sea, working rurally and operating globally, and present performances enabled by digital collaboration.
Rip It Up and Start Again
The second theme will look at the environmental and social issues around where we source our materials and resources. Speakers will explore a rethinking on how we use materials, and the emergent ‘circular’ and exchange economies shaping a sustainable future for the arts and culture.
Throughout the day there will be performances and practical action planning workshops.
Confirmed Speakers Include:Â
Laura Billings: Trade School London, Civc Systems Lab
Jane Penty: Practicing designer and educator, BA Product Design, Central Saint Martins,
Diana Simpson Hernandez: Designer, Golondrina Design, SustainRCA Alumna
Donna Lynas: Artistic Director, Wysing Arts Centre
Angharad Wynn Jones: Creative Producer, Arts House, Artist
Save the date and register now to secure your place!
More speakers and the final agenda will be announced over the coming weeks.
A Julie’s Bicycle event in partnership with:

This event is part of the Culture Change Programme.