Links Support Creative Green Tools Canada! Sign our petition! Hyperutopia Design Fundamentals by Meagan Byrne Connection to Protection by Sandra Lamouche Geon Nativa: Cookery & Intergenerational Codes of Memory by Aisha Lesley Bentham The Slow Playwriting Project by Mariló Núñez Telling the Story of the End of the World by UKAI Projects Critical Cat Studies by Nazli Akhtari At Least This Will Make a Funny Show by Kristina Wong Unsustainable Utopias by Meghan Moe Beitiks Crip Glam: Spells for Everyday Disability Activism by Julia Havard Peasant Futurisms: Cultivating Delicious Futures by Sanita Fejzić Q42: A Myriad of Homes Q41: Beyond Death Artist Report: Aphra Shemza Creative Green Tools Canada CSPA Quarterly Open Calls