Salzburg Global Seminar Report

Salzburg Global Seminar recently published a report on our session “Beyond Green: The Arts as a Catalyst for Sustainability”. We want to take this opportunity to share the creative thinking that took place in Salzburg with you!

As you will see in the attached report, it was a very dynamic gathering, with participants from around the globe. We are very excited about this program and the momentum that has built around it.

The “art of the possible” is becoming even more relevant as the glow of the Climate Change Agreement adopted in Paris at the end of 2015 gives way to the more sober, and challenging, process of implementation on national and local levels. The arts can be a powerful catalyst to accelerate the changes that need to happen, sooner rather than later!

An online version of the report can also be found here:

Please feel free to share these materials with others who might be interested, and please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions you might have about the Beyond Green session. Thank you in advance for your interest!

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